Need help with M L2M9-2HM
Either there's a typo in the ID, or this profile is marked "living" and is therefore only visible to your account.
If it's the latter, then you should be able to delete it: go to the profile's Details page, scroll down to the Tools box in the right-hand column, and click "Delete Person".
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Yes, this person is only visible to me. I cannot delete the person because changes have been made. But I made the changes! (Don't ask why; I don't remember.) Under "why can't I delete this person," it says "This person has multiple contributors and cannot be deleted....If this person never existed, use Get Help and Contact Us to have the data removed." It says multiple contributors but the only contributor is me.
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That's a very weird bug. I think you're going to need to use the "Contact Us" page to get technical support from an actual technician, or at least someone with higher-level permissions of some kind.
The contact options vary by your location, but you can get to the main support landing page from any FamilySearch page by clicking the question-mark-in-a-circle icon at the top right and choosing "Contact Us" at the bottom of the resulting drop-down.