correct relationship
I am Lois Ellen on the attached photo of the view my relationship page. Glen is my husband (deceased) Renee was his first wife (deceased) The page shows that she is wife to Glen's brother-not- which shows as Glen himself. He is not his own brother and no brother of his was ever married to Renee. The entry is entirely false and I wish FS would correct it..
Best Answer
@Lois Ellen, my first screenshot shows what every account besides yours sees on Glen's profile. Your profile and your relationship to him are invisible to everyone except you. This is by design: all profiles for living people are only visible when using the account that created/entered that profile. That's not where the problem is.
Whatever that support person wrote or believes, the "View Relationship" feature is clearly Doing It Wrong, because nobody is his own brother, and a spouse is not a parent. Asking for one's relationship to a spouse's previous spouse should not create such weird fictions; it should just show the three people, connected horizontally, and more importantly, the text label should say "my husband's wife", not nonsense about brothers or fathers.
Huh: it looks like maybe the way the data structure handles the intersection between private spaces and the public tree is confuddling the View Relationship function.
It all looks fine in the public view; Glen isn't his own brother, and Renee is his wife -- but of course, there's no sign of you, since you're living.
I tried setting up an equivalent situation on the beta site.
...and it completely threw off View Relationship, somehow turning my "Test Spouse" into my father.
I have no idea what's going on or why it's doing this. There definitely appears to be something wrong with the View Relationship function.
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Thanks for trying, but I do show on the relationship page as living. I am in the public view as well. I did email support and the reply said that:
"The relationship view is showing two separate marriages in this fashion instead of going something like: Lois -- Glen -- Renee. It is going up a generation and then back down to display the two wives. Some programs' versions of relationships will just put the spouse that has multiple spouses in some sort of straight line or another arrangement. Family Tree has chosen to show these by displaying them a bit differently."
and I think this is how it should show. Maybe you can fix it.
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@Lois Ellen Are you attempting to see your relationship to the first wife (that's what is cut off at the top in your screenshot) or to your husband? FamilySearch does not display multiple/possible other relationships to your Spouse (if you were 5th cousins for example) - thus as the Support reply mentions - it doesn't for a previous Spouse either.
If you are wanting to see other possible relationships - you can try:
If you are wanting to correct the view so that you are listed below the first wife or on opposite side as wife - yes just go back to the tree view (you will be listed as a wife as Julia shows and you mention). Imagine if there were more than two Spouses - what radial line should be drawn to display that equivalent relationship? I think the way FamilySearch has it - with the common Spouse ID the same - is probably the easiest solution for more than 1 Spouse relationships. In other words - because Glen's ID is the same - he is not his brother.
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The top of the screenshot says The wife of my husband's brother. It should show on the attachment I sent. Thank you for your input. I guess it doesn't matter since he can't be his own brother. I was asking for a relationship to her to see if it matches others I have seen that looked correct. No worries; doesn't matter.
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Please take a good look at the screenshot (sorry for poor res) This is probably how it happened that Glen is brother to himself and Renee seems to be the wife of my Husband's brother. Simple because Glen's brother John's wife was named Lois, which is my first name. For clarity, please be sure that John was never married to the Renee. Notice the relationship above is "THE WIFE OF MY HUSBAND'S BROTHER"