Consultant planner problems
when 'inviting someone', after selecting the person from the ward list, the 'send invitation' panel no longer populates either the name or the email address of the person selected.
When helping someone, the activities page selections all refer to the person being helped, Except for 'About Me'. It references the consultant doing the helping.
Is anyone using the Consultant Planner? I have reported problems via phone several times that have resulted in no action to correct the problems.
As Family History Leader in the ward, I try to teach my consultants how to use the planner in their work, but it's getting more and more difficult since more and more things have stopped working over the past year or so. It seems that noone is maintaining this part of FamilySearch. A couple of things in the mailing of the invitation to view a patrons tree don't work, and now the printing of the Plan does not work.
Is anyone using the planner, and getting any response from the support people?
Harry Broxton