Any chance of making 1905 RI Census filterable by Family Visit Order and/or Enumeration District?
The 1905 Rhode Island Census collection is unique in that it is sorted alphabetically. Nice to find people with a certain last name, but very difficult to find all the people living in a certain household if they don't share the same last name. The census lists the number of people in each household, so I know how many people in the household have a different last name. I just don't know who they are.
So my problem is that I have households of relatives where I cannot identify all of the household members. Who could the missing people be? Perhaps a widowed sibling whom I have not yet discovered, or maybe some in-laws whom I am unaware of. Many of my relatives immigrated to the USA around the turn of the century, so I don't know who all would be there in 1905.
Currently my only option is to manually look through the tens of thousands of images to find census cards with the same "Number of Family in Order of Visitation" in the same Enumeration District. I've gone through a few thousand already, but there could be a better way!
Adding search filters for "Number of Family in Order of Visitation" and/or Enumeration District would be a great help to narrow the amount of images I'd need to look through to find the missing people.
Edit: although "Number of Family in Order of Visitation" would be very helpful as a filter, I don't know how challenging it would be for that to be computer-indexed. However, both Enumeration District and "Number in Family" have already been indexed, so if we could search/filter by those criteria, it would still be a great help.
FamilySearch is transitioning to a new indexing application which can provide a more complete transcription of any record - including Census fields. If/when this is implemented for 1905 RI Census and those fields exist in the record - then I believe they will be able to be transcribed into the index. Thus the implication being that those fields could be searchable in the future.