Rootstech relatives suggestions
It should be made clear that the suggested relatives in your Rootstech Relatives component are in face suggestions and not necessarily confirmed/bonafide relatives.
Just as in in Ancestry or My Heritage the hints that come through are not necessarily accurate for the individual one is researching. They come from other peoples trees and research and do not necessarily have sources and information to back up the claim that it is an accurate ancestral line.
Just as My Heritage Theory of Relativity can be confirmed or rejected or Ancestry hints can be saved or ignored, it should be clear that your proposed relationship line is not necessarily accurate, or there will be people blindly accepting without firstly checking the facts. I have found a few that are clearly questionable with perhaps the same name and birth year, but different parents names and locations. There is no way to mark it as questionable or needing further research. Too many people just accept suggestions blindly, further contaminating already inaccurate trees and it becomes a viscous circle with more people accepting errors as fact because they saw it on a legitimate genealogical site.