How do I merge my family tree with familysearch tree?
I have a one-person tree (myself) on familysearch, and I have uploaded a gedcom file of my tree to familysearch, but when I try to find about the people I might be related to, all that happens is that the search engine uses the tree with only my name. I can't figure out how to use the tree with many names. Can I delete the tree with only my name, or can I merge that name into the other (gedcom) tree? I can't seem to get past this problem. Any ideas? Thanks. Jim
The upload is a different species from the collaborative tree. You can graft the information from the uploaded file onto the communal tree, but the tool for that is faulty and I do not recommend it. (It's kind of like working partially blindfolded.) Instead, look for and/or enter your deceased relatives one person at a time.
So, start with your own profile and add your still-living relatives. Don't spend a lot of time on them: only you will be able to see these profiles for living people, so they only need enough detail for you to know who's who. (You can keep track of their birthdates and stuff in an offline tree.)
Once you get to a relative who is deceased, use the Family Tree - Find function to check whether a profile already exists in the Tree for that person. If you find a possibility, open it in another browser tab and explore it and all of its relatives thoroughly. If it all matches what's in your GEDCOM, then yay: you don't need to type anything on that branch. You can just link to it by adding a relationship using the "By ID" option. If you find that the collaborative tree does not yet have a profile for your deceased relative, then you can create one, using your operating system's copy-and-paste method to transfer data from your uploaded file to the profile's data fields.