Time Line
It would be more helpful and inspirational to have historical facts that are relevant and significant to a person's location and date rather than general historical facts relating to things that have no relevancy to their life. First instance: "the first widely used camera was invented "or "Lorenzo Snow became President of the Church", or the "Bolshevik revolution in Russia" occurred simply bore no relevance to most of my ancestors' lives.
I look at my grandfather who lived through the two World Wars, the Depression and there is nary a mention of these things. He was born and raised in Scotland and immigrated to the United States. It would be much better with specific historic information for those dates and places relating to life and events in Scotland and the United States that shed light more on the context of his life and which may help explain things like why he immigrated when he did etc.
Other genealogical websites do this and it would be great if FamilySearch could do this in their Time Line. I think it would be better to just remove the historical facts you have in there as they are somewhat embarrassing to see things like "when disposable diapers were invented by Marion Donovan". How in the world does that pertain to the time line of my grandfather and most other people for that matter. He was 72 at that time and had no use or interest in disposal diapers. Why put these whimsical historic events in when we are dealing with trying to understand our ancestors better? It does not make sense to me.