I need help un-doing a merge. I'm too confused to continue...possibly requires database privileges or something beyond my capabilities.
Surviving person is: L266-96H
Deleted person is: L5P6-DH4, her last name should have been Tolbert, but it was not.
It appears a though a Thomas Jefferson Matthews Sr (L5P6-82G) married two different Gladys Virginia's. One was a Tolbert. She should be the deleted person and daughter of L6ML-1LQ and L6ML-1YB. The dates of birth and death are for the other, Gladys Virginia Barker, the surviving person.
Gladys Virginia Tolbert should be the mother of Thomas Jefferson Matthew, Jr.
{The United States, Social Security Numerical Identification Files (NUMIDENT), 1936-2007 for Gladys Barker has her also known as Gladys Virginia Matthews.
When she married Richard Abraham Arnold, her name was Matthews.
Those factors and the DOB and DOD convinced me that they were the same person., hence the merge that now needs to be un-done????} or just create a new person Gladys Virginia Tolbert with no dates and correct parents?
Un-doing the merge is not showing up as an option as it usually does.
Best Answer
Unmerge is only available if no changes have been made since the merge. If there have been edits after the merge, then the system wouldn't know which profile to assign them to. What you have to do instead is restore the merged-away profile, and then spend some time cleaning up the relationships and sources.
(To restore the profile, go to its page from the surviving profile's change log, and click "restore".)
Done. Thank you.