Disappearing IDs
Three times I have created IDs for my maternal grandparents and their children. Three times the grandparents' IDs have disappeared. The one ID showed up as "recently used" but if I try to call it up by number, I'm told it doesn't exist.
Can someone tell me what's going on? I've added other people, no problem. It's just these two that won't stick.
Before they disappeared, I kept getting a prompt to add their birthplaces, which I did several times. That kept disappearing, too.
Best Answer
@cindy decker, yes, it is best not to tell FS's bots about any connection to the Middle East. You can put the place information in the reason box instead.
It does sound strange - almost as if someone deleted those IDs.
If you go to View Tree:
Do your mother's parents display? Are there multiple parents/spouses listed there in tree view?
Are those IDs for Living persons? If you have the ID that was showing in Recents and they are deceased - can you post that ID (then someone might be able to attempt an explanation)?
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The two disappearing IDs are not displaying in the link you supplied, Genthusiast. There is nothing to the right of my mother, including her siblings, since the link is broken. (I haven't actually confirmed their IDs still exist.)
Going in a back way ... going to my great-grandparents first versus to the grandparents' names or IDs ... I found the entries, and both are marked "confidential" even though they are deceased. But even "confidential" should display for me.
Any insight? They are invisible to me as well as anyone else.
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You should find them in your Private Space:
It sounds like they are confidential probably because of the birthplaces you input before they disappeared (Middle Eastern countries I have heard will do that).
They will only be visible to you there in your Private Space - but yes since I don't have any confidential people profiles I cannot tell you if not appearing in the Tree is normal behavior. If both PIDs are linked as your grandparents I would think they would display in Tree (but only for you I suspect).
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They were born in the Middle East, so that might explain the confidentiality status.
But they are dropping off the tree. I am not seeing them. I might call Support tomorrow and ask.
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I wonder if they'd stick if I enter them without the country of birth. .....