Web-link does not work for uploaded PDF

After uploading PDF to the Source Section, when looking a the "Family with Sources" section, the Web-link FamilySearch assigned the document dose not work. Note: There is a "http" with no at the Beginning of link instead of "https" if that helps
Member of my family was deleted from the 1950 US Census computer index. is their any way to restore this person like undo or put the person bank manually? Of course, the person is still in the actually document.
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When you are in EDIT for the source, you can choose the Memory or a url link. You have it set as a memory and if I click on the image of the document under "Attached Photo or Document" it jumps to the report. If you want a link to show instead, choose the Web Page URL option and enter https://www.familysearch.org/photos/artifacts/170303289.
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My grandfather GKMF-C9D was permanently deleted in the 1950 US Census "Computer Index" and there dose not appear to be anyway to UNDO.
- First, this should not be allowed and needs to be fixed.
- If their is a way to UNDO, I couldn't figure out how to do it, so please advise. For reference, the Census page in question is in Eugene Borges' Sources section.
- If there is some magic you can do as an administrator, it would be appreciated.
Thank You Joe
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Thanks Maile. I'm making it work, but not very intuitive for someone with my pea brain ;o) I wasted way too much time trying to figure it out, where an easy explanation like you gave me would save a lot of time. I think, what makes this even more confusing is there is 3 different places to put document and pictures sources, memories an gallery.
While I'm talking to a Mod, another problem I had when looking at my family in the 1950 US Census, I saw some mistakes and tried to make a few changes. Unfortunately, my grandfather Eugene Borges was deleted from the Computer Index and I couldn't find a way to UNDO. Of course it's my bad, but I don't think people should be able allowed to permanently delete people in a Census Index. Is there any magic you can do to get gramps back? His ID is GKMF-C9E. If that doesn't work, his old duplicated deleted ID is L8BD-D9D. For reference, the Census in question is in his Sources section. Anything you can do would be appreciated, but if it is permanent, would you please let me know. Thank again Joe Borges
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Hopefully, a moderator or somebody with knowledge of the US 1950 Census Project, will be able to advise if this is still a "work in progress". Usually, once a project is complete, names missed in the original process are not added. I assume this is what happened with GKMF-C9D, unless you are suggesting he originally did have an indexed record, but that has now disappeared - or been "permanently deleted", as you put it.
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It does look like something happened to the indexed record. I added him in with basics from the census. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:6KVC-B62L
I also merged all of your questions about this into one place.
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Yes, I see that. Much thanks to you and to Paul. Joe