I cannot see my Pedigree View of my tree

I am new here and I uploaded my gedcom to get my tree on the site. It doesnt seem as easy as it was on ancestry. It says I uploaded 650 name but I see NO pedigree chart other than my name. When I uploaded the gedcom, I said to privatize living.
Any clues? thanks
I would recommend that you watch this short video from Rootstech 23.
Hope this helps
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A GEDCOM upload and the collaborative Family Tree are different species. The one doesn't automatically do anything to the other.
The file upload goes into the Genealogies section, where anyone can search for it and look at it, but nobody can change it. It's essentially a public cloud backup service for genealogy files.
The Family Tree is completely different: it is a single, open-edit tree, with the (lofty and distant) goal of having one and only one profile per deceased person. Notice that this means it is nothing like the individual trees on Ancestry. (I'd say it's not just a different species, but a different genus from those.)
There is a process by which FS will compare your uploaded file with what's in the Tree and allow you to transfer data, but said process is badly flawed and I strongly recommend avoiding it. It is much easier and faster in the long run to add your data "manually", checking for already-existing profiles at each step -- but also not taking any proferred matches at face value, but carefully checking whether it really is the right person, or just someone with the same or similar name.