Error on who is my father

I have done some genealogy for the church and for this website. I have entered as much as I can, that I feel is accurate. I entered who my father is, Wesley, but for some reason Family Search (FS) keeps showing my Uncle as my Father. They are brothers, Charles is NOT my father. Could you please fix the issue, it is very frustration that your records show another man as my Father? It hurt my soul for you to tell people another man is my father. Finally, anything I received from Family Search makes me leary to its accuracy, for such a basic error when I have contributed the church my information as to who is my father. My birth certificates state Wesley as my father. That certificate is not that hard to get a hold of, nor that old. Sorry, for the tone, but it is frustration, and it has gone on for years. At first, I thought, it would correct itself, that Family Search would discover the error. Yet, I see it has not, just today I received an email from FS stating I'm related to Brigham Young, so I click to see how and lo and behold there is Charles as my father, which I know for a fact he is not, WESLEY, is my father.
Thank you,
Best Answer
Do you realize that you can make the correction? The FSFT (FamilySearch Family Tree) is fully open-edit. Anyone with information can make the change.
And, by looking at the change log, down the right side of the profile, you can see who entered the information and even contact them if you want.
We can't see your profile, since you are a living person, and profiles of the living are protected and can only be seen by the person who entered the information.
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Here are a few articles from the Help Center that might be helpful:
The World’s Largest Shared Family Tree
How do I see what changes were made about a person in Family Tree?
How do I undo an incorrect change in Family Tree?
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Given that you're living, nobody besides you can see or edit your profile's relationships. (Although if you're LDS, I understand that some information may autofill based on membership records.) This means that if your uncle is attached as your father, you're the only one who can see that, and you're the only one who can correct it. (I hesitate to say whether you're the only person who could have caused the error, because I don't know if that's true for LDS accounts.)
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Thank you all for the information. I am LDS, so that is the reason why my genealogy is important to me. I tried to fix the error yesterday and today with no success. My family tree does show Wesley as my Father, but emails from FS show Charles as my father, like the one showing me related to Brigham Young, and other email showing me related to someone else. I still don't know how to fix the issue. I haven't being able to figure out a way to call them, I thought this was a direct connection to the company. I will continue to search a way to contact FS directly, to see if they can fix it.
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Those marketing emails tend to lag a few days behind changes to the tree. What is in the tree now is what matters. Be sure to check the sources attached to profiles of your family, and detach any attached to the wrong profile. Incorrectly attached sources generate incorrect research hints.