كيف اقوم بربط والدتي من حسابها بمشجرتي التي في حسابي او العكس
اولا: ماهي الطريقة المثلى والسهلة في الربط بيننا . بيني وبين والدتي . بحيث تنتقل ببانات شجرتي في حسابي لتكون هي نفسها شجرة والدتي في حسابها .
ثانيا : الموقع يفتقر للغة العربية حتى يسهل التعامل معه . نرجوا اضافة ذلك.
Best Answer
First: What is the best and easy way to connect us? between me and my mother. So that the data of my tree is transmitted in my account so that it is the same as my mother's tree in her account.
Second: The site lacks the Arabic language in order to facilitate dealing with it. Please add that.
You can change to use Arabic as your language of choice.
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I hope I understand your question correctly. You can create a living person, like your mother, in your private space but no one else can see that, including her. You can each connect to deceased persons to see the same tree, but you will not see each other if you are both living.
Who can see my living relatives in Family Tree?
What are living and confidential people in Family Tree?
How does Family Tree protect the privacy of living people?
How do I merge duplicates of living or confidential people that I added to Family Tree?
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انظر لا يوجد في الواجهة لدي لغة عربية