Research Step Process and lack of needed apps and instruction at FSL's

I just sent the following email to, with the attachment regarding the RESEARCH STEPS I use. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions regarding my process and how you feel about the questions I raise.
(NOTE: I could not attach a PDF, so I attached images instead.)
Orion W
Here is my email and attachment:
"I do a lot of research from home. And I help many people in my ward and stake. I have been working on family history for many years. My wife and I are also consultants at our FSL.
But I am very frustrated by the lack of needed apps in our Decoto FSL computers. For example, there is no easy way to clip an image/transcript from Ancestry or FindMyPast, save it as a pdf or image file, and attach it to a given person in FS. (Perhaps there is a way, but the local FSL director was not aware of it.)
Please review the attached Research Steps I have created to help many people in my ward and stake. I am most distressed that IrfanView or a similar app is not on the computers. Please read in the attached how I use it to attach Ancestry and similar records to FS (highlighted in yellow).
Also, please comment on the method I use for a “PDF with many sources” as suggested and taught by someone in the Riverton Utah FSL. Although this does not populate the timeline, it avoids an enormous amount of duplication.
I am also concerned that there is no local knowledge regarding how to use Virtual Pedigree in the local FSL. Is it not suggested by FamilySearch? (It links directly to FamilySearch.)
Finally, I would like someone at HQ to comment on my overall research steps (and those in the attached from someone of Riverton FSL). I am always open to comments and changes, but I want to be as efficient as possible!
I look forward to your response.
If I have contacted the wrong email, please forward it and copy me.
Thanks very much!
Orion W"
@orionw You may way to join this group and share your concern there.
Just a heads up that I had to edit your post to remove your email and phone number for your privacy. Please see the Code of Conduct for more information.