How can I suggest corrections to a Help article?

(Posting this under Family Tree because the article in question is about name fields in the Tree.)
This (rather very new) Help article has several errors in it, centered around its apparent ignorance of linguistic or cultural differences in name usage. In particular, it appears to be oblivious to the fact that not all languages put surnames last, and that not all cultures change a woman's surname (and only a woman's surname) upon marriage.
I do not see a "Feedback" tab on the page, and the Feedback link in the footer just comes here to Community. How can I alert the Powers That Be that they're stating falsehoods in this Help article?
Best Answer
Here is a place to suggest feedback for that article:
Thank you, Amy.
I must admit that I've been burned so often by the Help Center's search that I didn't even try it before posting this question. I just now tried pasting my topic title into the search field, and it did actually turn up the article you referenced. It's third on the list, after something about indexing and something about blogs and FHCs, but it's there.
3 -
The article lists "General feedback" as one of the categories of feedback that I could provide. I tried doing that, but after trimming down my suggestion (and motivation for it) to less than 2,000 characters and filling out the other form fields at the best of my ability, the Content Feedback Form still required me to specify a link to the "content" of my request.
As my suggestion does not relate to a particular page, but rather deals with the arrangement of documentation as a whole, I have no link to provide, and I don't want to "trick" their form validation procedure using a dummy link just in case I have misunderstood some implicit scope of this "general" feedback.
I will therefore post my suggestion below, as I think I share the OP's frustration with the Help features currently available. To technically keep this thread on-topic, you may want to consider clarifying the categories of feedback the form is meant to be used for, in particular whether it would include my kind of suggestion.
Other Community members may also want to comment on the usefulness of a "Table of Contents" like the one I suggest. Perhaps there is an even better approach that I haven't thought about?
If you have some other idea of where I should have sent or posted this suggestion, please advise, so that I may keep that in mind until next time.