Save vital statistics on LIVING people
I like the new features in Family Tree.
What was disappointing was that all the birth and marriage information for my living relatives were no longer there. 😥
I discovered this when I decided to finally input the death information for my brother-in-law and my cousin who died. Because the birth information was deleted, the birth order for my living relatives were incorrect. So AGAIN I had to take the time to input the birth and death information. Good thing I have Family Group Records on paper. However, newer information on my living I just inputted straight into Family Search. Now this is not showing. I do not know where this information is. Unfortunately, I did not put information on my paper Family Group Records. I am now in my 70's and I started giving information since the 1970's or 1980's. I do not have the time to resubmit information that I already submitted. I would like to spend the time uploading research and other documents and pictures.
Um, to the best of my knowledge, nothing has changed about private (living) profiles. FS certainly hasn't made any changes to the (few) details I've added.
That said, online trees -- with or without privacy screens -- are never the place to keep track of living people. The best way to protect their privacy is to keep their vital details offline.
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I have not seen any issue with any information vanishing with changing from the old pages to the new pages.
By any chance do you have two FamilySearch accounts? One with more complete information on people than the other? Could you have accidentally switched which account you are working in? Or could you have entered all these living people twice in one account somehow and need to merge some duplicates?
@lyleblunttoronto1 I assume you must be very busy with the end of the old pages approaching, but since this is a concern that involves the new pages, could you or another moderator message @Yoshmoto Naomi1 directly, get a few living IDs which he reports lost birth and marriage information and try to find out what really happened?
Modified Moral: Always have a backup of all irreplaceable information! Hard drives die. Houses burn down. Humans drop their passports going through airport security and end up in a foreign country without them. (No I have not! This is just an example. I didn't get more than 20 feet from security before realizing I left it in the bin.)
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@Yoshmoto Naomi1 If you could provide some of those living PIDs I can look into the issue. I don't know of any info being lost like this. Any changes done by the systems admins would show in the change log.
My first thought was like Gordon's about two accounts. My second thought is around a duplicate living tree. You could check for these living duplicates on this page.