Lifetime Genealogist wants to 'give away' a lifetime of family records
How do I respond to a person who has a trove of genealogy material from all over the world? This person apparently wants to 'clean house' by getting rid of a lifetime collection?
I am certain the Family Search Library has very strict parameters regarding accepting private contributions.
I am fairly well versed in research and documentation in my own family records going back to my possession of 3 temple record books from Denmark, Norway and Sweden originated in the 1910's but not sure how to evaluate information from others.
I staff the Walla Walla Washington family search center once a week. I am going to involve the director in evaluating this unknown material. Any other directives?
Paul Gordon Crowther,
The Salt Lake City Library in Salt Lake would probably take it. We have removed your email and phone number for safety. Their number is 801-240-6996.
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The Allen County Library Genealogy Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana accepts manuscripts and genealogy collections.