searching for location of Marie McGowan Brooklyn or Queens NY 1920
Her birth certificate (in the name Mary) lists parents Frank and Mary Wall.
She had a brother Francis Joseph, born 13 Nov 1905.
Searching for the family unit together is usually easier than searching for one person in isolation.
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I'm sorry, the info is correct. However, I put in the wrong date. I was looking for Mary/Marie McGowan in 1930. New York
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When she married, in 1935, her address was 251 Saratoga Ave. You can use Steve Morse's ED finder to locate that address in the 1930 census and try to find her that way.
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I used and entered the info you and Áine had.
The third item in my list was for a Marie Mcgowan, born 1910 in New York, daughter of Frank and Mary, in Buffalo
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I looked at that family, @Maile L, but I don't think that is them. Mary Wall, mother of Marie Agnes McGowan, died in 1918, and Frank McGowan, Marie's father, died in 1923.
Mary Wall McGowan's death:
Frank's death:
In 1920, the 2 Franks, father and son, were living Frank's sister, Frances Loretta McGowan Collins, and her children, but Marie is not in the household.
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Marie's brother Frank is living with their aunt, Frances McGowan Collins, in 1925.
In 1930, Frank is living with his cousin, Edward Collins, son of Frances McGowan Collins.
I don't have Marie yet, but at least we know she is not with her brother.