Matching Ancestry and FamilySearch Collections

I have imported an Ancestry tree into RootsMagic and matched many of the people to the main FamilySearch tree, which is brilliant (and I love that a) FamilySearch is free and b) there is masses of curation going on re the main tree, with which I hope to help where relevant).
I have a lot of references to Ancestry source collections, & obviously many of these are the same ones as for FamilySearch; I am keen to get my RootsMagic sources pointing to the relevant FamilySearch collection entries instead (where they exist - I know they won't always).
I know I can pull them across from the main FamilySearch tree, but then I end up with a load of more or less obvious duplications (see screenshot below for an example); and I'd obviously like to be able to improve the FamilySearch entries' source lists where I can.
I'm happy to do the lookups manually, but what would really help would be a table that mapped the Ancestry collection names to the Family Search ones. & indicated what was and wasn't available.
Does anyone have this information captured anywhere? (I have about half and half US and UK sources, plus a few others.)
I'm happy to construct this list myself, but obviously would rather avoid re-inventing the wheel.
Here's the screenshot mentioned above - the 'Copy of' entries are pulled across from FamilySearch (where the person is GVX9-NCR). Ignore the citations, which need work.
Best Answer
Since both Ancestry and FamilySearch add new collections regularly, such a list would be out of date before it could be built. And, the details from the same record set on the 2 sites sometimes conflict. You'll find multiple threads here in the Community discussing variances in the record sets, when one site has imported from the other.