This person's first names contain one or more invalid words (SPOUSE)
In sealing to spouse, when the message "This person's first names contain one or more invalid words" applies to the spouse, please say, "The first names of the spouse of this person contain one or more invalid words". Or say, "This person, or the spouse of this person's first names contain one or more invalid words. Or, "The first names of this person or the first names of the spouse contain one or more invalid words".
Also provide a link to a pop-up explaining why it is wrong and how to fix it.
And, please make it so that searching for "First names contain one or more invalid words", in Help Center, will provide an answer.
Furthermore, when someone is entering an invalid word in the name, provide a warning flag that says "invalid word" why, and how to do it correctly. If the name already has an invalid word, flag it with link to a pop-up that explains why and how to fix it.
Finally, provide a search for errors (such as this), where a person can find and fix errors within his/her ancestry. Making just one simple correction allowed me to request a sealing that was previously blocked.