Sean Astin (Sam Gamgee) Will Be at RootsTech 2023! • FamilySearch
Sean Astin (Sam Gamgee) Will Be at RootsTech 2023! • FamilySearch
Sean Astin, well-known actor, will be at RootsTech 2023. Register for the in-person conference or tune in for free online!
Well written Annie.
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Great choice!! I'm a FAN and a 4th cousin (via his dad's, John Astin, father)! Looking forward to Sean.
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Wonder choice to speak as the keynote at Rootstech. Can't wait to hear about his experiences with his family.
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This gets me even more excited about RootsTech! I can't wait to attend virtually from Hawaii and hear Sean Astin speak. What a wonderful surprise. He was such a great actor as Rudy and Samwise Gamgee. I thought he portrayed them both in such a genuine way. How very exciting!!
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What can Roots Tech do for me in my Family Ancestry research?
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Please check out this blog article for more information about RootsTech:
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My family is the browns lewis Randolph Horton Washington Jefferson Lee ECT ... But was counted out names and identity changed