Parents Missing / Hidden

For this person Frances Harsen
The Family Members are missing.
They can still be seen on the ABOUT page.
She can be readily reached from her father's page.
where she appears twice , the second time as a stepchild.
I recently merged her with GHHY-ZHF prior to then removing two unrelated sources.
Did something get broken in that merge? This is the first time that this has happened for me, and I have made many other mergers without problems.
I tagged merge problems as that seems most likely, but I am just guessing.
Her sister Lillian M Harsen GHHY-ZRY, reached from their father's page has no similar problem.
Thank you.
Best Answer
You probably accidentally clicked the little arrow in the top right corner, thereby closing the Family Members section on all of the Details pages you look at. Click it again to get the section back.
But I still see the Family Members on all the other pages I view.
By "the little arrow in the top right corner" do you mean the one pointing up or down, that exists on several white panels on the page?
With her with the arrow up I have a slider on the left that is blue or gray, and places to ADD SPOUSE and ADD PARENT. I tried adding a parent by ID and was told that the information already existed. I have clicked it several times without success.
I assume that you do not see the problem that I have. I have not yet closed my browser and cleared my cache since I am in the middle of several other tasks.
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I closed my browser, cleared the cache and reopened, and everything is fine, so something weird at my end.