How to contact gedcom tree owners
If you are finding such in Search> Genealogies (from FamilySearch home page) and the GEDCOM does not display:
Pedigree Resource File - [date]
Submitted by [username]
at the top - then I don't know of a way to contact the submitter. Sometimes there are duplicate submissions - so one might contain the Submitter name. If you do see a Submitter name then selecting that link should display some contact information (minimally email address). If you would like - you could post the link to that GEDCOM and maybe someone can help further.
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Any time something is added to the FSFT by a GEDCOM upload, the name of the contributor is attached. Click on that contributor's name to contact him/her through the FS private messaging system.
I've obscured the names here for the privacy of the contributor in this case. The name to the right of the "Last Changed" date is a link to contact that person. If the profile has been merged, you may need to check the changelog to be sure who uploaded the GEDCOM.