Auto generated transcription of a census image
- This link is to a page for Simpson County, Mississippi. In the upper left corner that I think is suppose to be the county name "Simpson". Instead, the auto-generated county name is incorrectly listed as Sharkey. Census Records 1940.
- The family of interest is LYON-at the bottom of the page and highlighted. However, a family near the top (not a LYON) is also highlighted.
- Two issues with LYON family. HOH name is written as William T Lyon. The initial should be F . Three other individuals are listed, two spelled incorrectly. In this situation, the difference is important. In the 1900 census-same county-William F Lyon is one of 5 children living with the mother Lucy and her second husband P.B. Stubbs. P. B. Stubbs had several children at the time. One son is William T. Stubbs. Of course, the two are very close in age. The census taker listed all children in that family with the surname STUBBS leaving a confusing trail. In the past I've noted this to help others understand. I don't understand how to make the distinction on this record. I've been searching for the LYON father of 5 children and am sure others are as well. Without knowing the situation, the lineage of that family could be buried. Do you have a 1940 census image I can edit and clarify the family?
Thank you.
Those transcriptions are fully user-editable. Click the name, then click the pencil, and make the corrections.
You can apparently also fix the highlights, but I haven't yet tried that, so I don't exactly know how.
But keep in mind throughout that you're correcting the index, which is not the data. It's just a finding aid and convenient summary for the data.
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Is the name of the county supposed to be what is written in the upper left corner of the image? If so, is it editable? The county should be “Simpson”. Can I fix it?
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When you are in an index which allows for editing, you can edit anything that has the pencil to the right side. If the highlight needs to be adjusted, click on the pencil and the click "Add Highlight" that is listed under the field you wish to make a change to.
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It would be 'nice' if editing something that applies to the whole page - like place - if the change could be applied to the entire page. The problem with that - is that it could also make it easier for someone to 'mess up' a whole page ... So maybe it's good if it's just per household ...?
@mgvh1 As far as editing relationships - yes you can specify who is related to whom (it just takes a bit of getting used to specifying relationships). I like the idea of creating the couple relationships first - and then the children or others.