Help! Dozens of Memories on Wrong Person
I have sent this message to dozens of people:
Dear Friend,
The Memory posting you made on your ancestor, Olive Tovey Freeman Farr L6G8-JJ6, has ended up on my the page of my ancestor, Sarah Brearley Crossley K2WW-YKM.
I cannot edit what another person has posted.
Please check it out and move Olive’s memories where they would be accessible to her posterity.
I am glad to help.
Thanks in advance.
Ken Crossley
I believe this problem started with the CHL mislinked the PID for Olive Hovey Freeman Farr L6G8-JJ6 to my ancestor Sarah Brearley Crossley K2WW-YKM.
Can anyone in FamilySearch correct this problem?
Hi Ken Welcome to FamilySearch Community and asking your question about memories on your ancestor. This problems seems to stem from some merges that were done which often leads to memories and sources being attached to the wrong person. However, you can remove the memories and sources from a person page even though you didn't attached the memory. Here is a link to the instructions for detaching a memory from a person. This only detaches the memory from the person selected and does not remove the memory from other people or from the gallery of the person that loaded the memory. You should review sources also and detach any that don't belong. Hope this helps.
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Thank you for responding.
This problem started when the Church History Library mistakenly placed Olive Hovey Freeman Farr's PID on my ancestor's Sarah Brearley K2WW-YKM. (Olive's PID is LGG8-JJ6)
I have read the article. Doesn't work for me. None of the 30+ images in memories are in my gallery. I did not upload them.
I have tried the mobile app--negative.
I notice online Olive's photo appears on Sarah Brearley's person page (K2WW-YKM) on the mobile app, no photo appears on my Mac computer.
Would you please look into this?
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I am able to delete the tags from my computer.