How do I get selected to assist with correcting mistakes in Family Search Indexing?
I work at the local Family Search Center every week. My researches are mostly within the French departments of the Loiret and the Yonne. However, many of the films are incorrectly indexed to communities with similar spellings in FINLAND. The entire departmental record films are inaccessible for folks seeking their ancestors in these regions. I am trained in extraction of information from ancient parish records and the regular governmental records as well. I can see the problem but can't find anyone with the ability to correct the location for the films. I am happy to do them and also index all the extra witness information which doesn't exist in the US or other anglo records. Please let me help or find the person who has the "yes" button to make the fix.
@Stéphie Knight Can you share an example? a URL/link or a screenshot. There are many problems with the placename standardization algorithm, putting places in the wrong state or country. Generally, these are not errors in the original indexing but a problem with a computer program of recent vintage. If you search on "placename standardization" here in the community, you'll find many discussions and examples.