422 error- .tif files don't load

I uploaded a number of files to memories a week ago - a mixture of old tif files and more recent pdf files. All are certificates of birth, marriage or death. Looking in the gallery, I can see thumbnails of all the files. However, when I click on one of the tif files, I get the following
I can view all the pdf files without a problem.
Any thoughts please?
I'm wondering the same thing. What does this mean.
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Off-topic perhaps, but I marvel you were able to upload "a number of files" at all. Every single one I upload is restricted. It's arduous to upload one when I have to beg for human review every time. I can't imagine uploading many.
Perhaps "422" is the new version of "We’re writing to let you know that a recent Memory (such as a photo, document, or story) you submitted to FamilySearch has not been accepted, because it is not in accordance with one or more of the site's guidelines."
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You may be right although it is difficult to see how a birth or marriage certificate with no picture content as such can break a guideline. Also why is it that the tif files are marked whereas the pdf ones are not? Now over two weeks on and the error message has not disappeared.
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I don't think anything I have ever uploaded has broken any guideline. The algorithm just refuses on the first try; I have to beg for human review; the upload is then accepted. My point is that I can never try to upload many items because it takes several days to get permission for one to appear.
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Thanks for your further thoughts. It still does not answer the issue that all the pdf files were accepted quickly whereas the tif ones still have the error message. Also, as mentioned in my original post, you can see a thumbnail of all the files. It is only when I open a tif file that the error message appears.
Looking like no one knows the answer. I guess I will just have to delete the tif files and replace them with pdf versions.
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Hi Graham,
I've been looking at the above file today. Although the tif file for this one is only 5mb and the limit is 15mb, I wonder if that is the issue. One of your pdf files is only 0.15mb so there is a large difference in file size.
I can't see any other reason why you would get that error.
I can see that the documents have been approved on the system, so there are no pending documents for approval.
Sorry I can't be of more help!
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I select a person, click on the camaca outline. select load, select from my computer. Go to the picture I want Which has a TIF extension. click on select, looks like its loading but nothing happens. I do the same with a JPG and all works well?? (Please fix the program)
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There are possibly two considerations:
- it might take a bit for the image to be scanned for appropriateness. In my experience it usually doesn't take too long maybe an hour tops. I just tried changing portrait to .tif and it worked in under 5 minutes - so the problem is probably filesize (#2).
- there is a 15Mb filesize limit - check to make sure your file is under this size limit.
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I have tried to load different TIF files. No success. Size is not the issue, there all under 15 mb.
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Show your file extensions - make sure they are *.tif? Are yours .tiff?
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The file extension is TIF. The file size is 5.7 MB. If I convert the file to JPG and do the same process it loads without problems. I think the program is broken! It can't handle TIF extensions!
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Why will Family Search not upload TIF files? The notice says it WILL accept Tif files up to 15mb, however, I have been unsuccessful in uploading them. No problem with jpeg/jpg, but not TIF.
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I don't normally work in TIF, but yours is the 2nd report I've seen about this problem in recent days. I'm tagging a Mod to see if this can be escalated to support for a fix.
@Maile L could you please escalate this problem report? Thanks.
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Three discussions about .tif files have been combine here. We appreciate you bringing this problem to our attention. The issue has been submitted for investigation. We will get back to you as soon as we have an answer. Thank you so much for your kindness and patience while this is being addressed.
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Thank you, @Maile L
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TIFF and TIF files are working again. Please let us know if you have any further issues!
NOTE: If you have an old image that shows with a "422" error, please delete that image before you try uploading it again.
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@American Family Historian Thank you for the information. @Gary57 , @mommycita @Áine Ní Donnghaile @Graham Buckell Do you guys still have this issue, or has it been resolved for you?
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I never had the issue as I don't work in TIF as stated above.
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Lacking a solution, I deleted my TIF files intending to replace with PDF ones.
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I just uploaded a TIF just fine:
But I usually avoid the TIF format - and convert to JPG - which are often much smaller in size.
However I have gotten the 422 error before - and in my case it meant a "Corrupt file"- in my case corrupt JPG files
In my case the weird scenario was that even though the file was corrupt - I could still view the corrupt file on my local PC - (at least a portion of the image - but a corruption of the file prevented the image as a whole from displaying - my PC was at least able to display a portion of the file - but FS Memories - just failed all together and returned the 422 )
I would guess there is something with your TIF files that makes the FS system at least THINK the file is corrupt or does not meet TIF standards. (even if you are able to see the file on your own PC).
(another example could be if it was some super new tiff "flavor" that FS was not set up to handle but was able to handle older TIF standards. )