Why cannot film # 009113687 be accessed?
In the collection 'Records of voters for Rhodesia, 1938-1973' there are 5 pages of films, for the 'Combined voters rolls, 1938-1973, CITIZENS' for names A-Z.
All those films can be browsed online except one film, that for the names Souter, A. to Sparks, L., vols. 852-853. The index tells it should be film # 1232498, but the link jumps to film #009113687, and that film cannot be browsed.
Is the link wrong?
Follow-up question regarding the remaining locked films in that collection, namely those titled COLOUREDS (A-Z), AFRICANS (A-Z),ASIANS (A-Z), CHIEFS and HEADSMEN (miscellaneous) Files and KRAAL HEADS, A-Z, PPLICATIONS OF WOMEN WHOSE NAMES WERE Files REMOVED UPON MARRIAGE (A-Z), and CASES OF APPEAL etc. Can those be opened-up for browsing please?
Many thanks, Barry Brown
@BarryB888 Regarding film 1232498. When you click to view it and get 9113687, that is not an error. 9113687 is the number given to the digital version of the original microfilm. We do see a key over the camera icon in the catalog for this film and see the "Image Unavailable" message when we click the camera icon.
Looking at the other films in this catalog entry, the restriction on this film doesn't make sense. And, as you noted , the last several films in this catalog entry also show a restriction. Since these do not seem to be any different in regards to the dates of the material from the other films, we have to wonder if this is an error. When we see things in the catalog that appear to be errors regarding digitized content, a Help Center article instructs us to email FHL-SLC-FilmRequests@churchofjesuschrist.org. We suggest that you email them and explain what you are seeing and how it is not consistent with the other items in the record set.