was in the middle of processing a new ged for one tree branch, adding 218 persons
Uploaded an updated ~500 person Ancestry ged for a particular branch today. I worked on the matches first and moved onto process adding people who had no matches. After about 40 added persons, the add button was circling and seemed unable to process. I had to close the tab. Now how do I get back to my processing project? Do I even need to go through the Add process? Are those left over 178 persons remaining to be added, going to be added automatically from the ged I uploaded today?
I don't know my way around everything yet.
Best Answer
No, they will not automatically be added, thank goodness.
Have you checked the Tree since you added those 40 profiles? How many of them were actually already there? (The gedcom compare-and-add process is faulty: it often cannot recognize a duplicate to save its life.)
You can get back to your processing by going to Search - Genealogies, scrolling down and clicking the "Upload..." button, then scrolling down and clicking View.
Wow, you are a life-saver! It worked! Thanks Julia.