Merge Read Only
My uncle died on January 2. As of today he has three duplicates in addition to his KW... church ID. When I try to merge the other three into his KW..... Church ID, it tells me that both are related to a read only person and it will not let me merge. His wife, KWZT-6B9 is the person that is read only. She may have had a grandfather or father who was famous in the church, but I would say that she was not considered famous and should not be read only. How can I get her to not be listed as read only?
Marc Hunter
Best Answer
His wife is read-only because she is the daughter of a former member of the Presiding Bishopric of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Then because your uncle has a relationship to a read-only person (his wife), that relationship is also read-only. Since the merge process can change relationships, you are not allowed to merge people who have any read-only relationships.
I know that the marking of persons as read-only can seem to be overly broad; I've run into that myself as I've helped a grandson of a former apostle of the Church. I doubt that you will be able to change the read-only status of your uncle's wife, but there is a procedure for requesting changes to read-only persons (including persons who are not read-only themselves but have read-only relationships):
Thank you for your comment. My next question is can I get someone at Churcg Headqurters to perform the merges for me?
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That article talks about correcting errors in read-only persons, but I would think that it covers any changes that need to be made, including merges