Make Find Formats the Same?
When you are doing a "Find" by ID in Family Tree, you do not have to enter the dash in the ID number. The program automatically enters the dash for you. However, if you are in My Reservations under the Temple tab, and you try to Find a reservation by ID number, you have to enter the dash in the ID number or the Find function does not work.
Can you make all "Find" functions operate the same and require the same inputs wherever you are in Family Tree? Please make the dash input automatic when using the Find function in the Temple section of Family Tree.
I'm not sure about the current status, but are there any places for the ID where you need to enter capital letter? Or do all places where in ID can be input is letter cased ignored now? It should be.
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Glenn Hadfield, Thank you for submitting your idea. This has been passed on to the proper Project Manager.