403 - Record access denied Error Message
For some reason, I keep getting an error message when I try to access Census Records. It usually happens when I have record hints that pertain to the 1860 or 1870 US Census Records. Is anyone else having this issue? It just started happening this week. Not sure why...
I am not a FS employee - but I do know that others are having similar issues
please be patient and I am sure it will be fixed as soon as they can get to it.
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"As soon as they can get to it."
These records have been offline for me for weeks now. Not just the images, but the indexed content as well. They're simply inaccessible.
Seems like two entire U.S. censuses being offline would rate a higher response than what we're observing. <shrug>
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you and I have no clue what it takes to bring those records back on line - we dont know why they went off line in the first place.
so we are not in a place to be judging how high the response is.
and frankly - with the state of the world and the coronavirus - Im sure resources are being shifted around and they are probably working on higher priority issues. but like I said - Im not an employee so I dont know any details at all as to the issue. and always remember - FS is totally free and manned to a very large degree by volunteers.
its not like we are paying for the access.
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Thank you Dennis!! My intent on posting this was to make sure it wasn't just me. I can be patient and wait. I just wanted to be sure it wasn't some glitch on my end!! Thanks for letting me know I'm not alone!
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Yes, this is also happening to me. And like you, wanted to know it wasn't just me.
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This is happening to me as well.
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Me too.
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If I search any England and Wales Census 1871 I can happily read the digital transcript page. Except for some very specific ones (I have Never had this problem before - using any device any OS and any browser). If I pull up https://www.family search.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VBXC-HBL, all is fine, but if I try https://www.family search.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VT6T-WZZ (also a 1871 record) this I can not get access and get the dreaded “! 403 - Record access denied”.
So what gives, can anyone at FamilySearch fix this....
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@Mike357, notice that this thread was started over a year ago. It was revived by @A Andrews with a similar question, with two very specific links to the 1871 English census. Please consider reading the whole thread before throwing boilerplate responses at it.
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I am getting the same problem with the 1871 census records i.e. 403 Record access denied. I have been working on the records for several hours a week for the last couple of years but this has only started this month. It is frustrating when I am trying to attach all the records for a given village that the 1871 census goes inaccessible. Hopefully it will get fixed sometime soon.
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5 of Feb 2022, 403 access denied to Uk 1871 census seems to affect the whole tree, not just areas of UK
was there a resolution in 2020
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September 2022 - still happening, seemingly randomly, US records from mid 1900 to late 1800s
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Every 1950 Census record hint throws this error.
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@Keturah Please see the Announcement on this subject: