Assisting a member of the church using their helper number

I have been given permission and the helper number to help a member but I cannot work out how to get into his family tree using this number. Appreciate your help.
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Thank you everyone
Use the Previous Version "Old" page and click on the Help Others Lifesaver Icon, then click "Full Name" and added first and last name, dob and helper number.
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Using the “New” version, you can still access “Help Others” by clicking Family Tree on the home page and then clicking either, "Overview", "Tree", or "Person".
" Help Others" is found under your name in the right upper corner.
Then the following appears.
You will need their username as well as their helper number.
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@YColeman, as you point out the new page version of Help Others requires a Username rather than a first & last name which I assumed @Pearse was using. It is my understanding that the Name, dob and helper number method will go away except for FS employees and missionaries.
See Graham Buckell’s 30Dec2022 and N Tychonievick’s 14Jan2023 comment in the following discussion-
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Charles - I hope they don't do away with that ability entirely. As a ward FamilySearch consultant, I work with a number of people over the phone and by being in their account with them, I am able to teach them how to use FamilySearch, fix problems, how to search, help with ordinances, etc. They closed our FamilySearch Center to make room for a distribution center. Therefore, I do not have the privilege to work with them as a patron there anymore.
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My 70+ year old sister asked me if I can help her with her family history memories to get them properly tagged and labeled. I was hoping to use the Helper Number. Is this still available. I can't seem to find the "Help Others" label anywhere.
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Should work. Go ahead and try it.
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Using the “New” version, you can still access “Help Others” by clicking Family Tree on the home page and then clicking either, "Overview", "Tree", "Person" or "Recent". It then appears under your name in the upper right corner
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Thank you all.