Hazardous Duty pay
Where do I sign up for hazardous duty pay?
I just finished a batch -- one image, 2 pages, hand-written in tiny script in highly abbreviated early 18th century Spanish. At first glance, I thought it had 28 records. After I got into it, I found 80 records -- a lot of people who had died over a 2 week period. There were at least 3 husband-wife pairs and about the same number of parent-child pairs. The poor parish priest trying to record all this often resorted to recording multiple deaths -- as many as 8 -- in one entry. The stress wore me out. I had to take a break.
Eighty's nothing. The City Directories project routinely had 200-300+ entries per batch.
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Yeah, well it wasn't just the numbers, but more the the tiny handwriting, the multiple records run together, and the custom of the priests to use all kinds of abbreviations.
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I was thinking the same, @Jerry Hill - the typed City Directories were a breeze compared to even 10 records on those 18th century Spanish priests manuscripts. 80 records is a huge challenge! Kudos on sticking with the mission!