Holy Roman Empire Standardization
Hello everyone! I would like to suggest the idea that there should be standardization added in locations for the Holy Roman Empire. I have been doing a lot of work on my German ancestors, but the standardization for locations is sadly lacking. Depending on the location and the period of time you put in, you have two options: the location is standardized as a location in Germany (the country), which only exist from 1866 onward, and the German Empire, which existed from 1871 to 1918. Prior to the year 1866, Germany did not yet exist as a country and was called either the First Reich or the Holy Roman Empire. However, when standardizing locations in periods of time prior to 1866, the only option that is usually given is the German Empire, which did not yet exist. For the sake of making the profiles as factually true as possible, I think that new and more thorough standardization should be added for our German ancestors.
new and more thorough standardization should be added
It is work in progress.
A global temporospatial gazetteer is a massive undertaking, almost as stunning as a global one tree.
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@Benjamin Hutton Thank you for your suggestions for correcting the places in pre-1866 Germany. It has been sent to the appropriate staff who will evaluate this.🙂
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Thank you very much!