I need a link related to entering concubines as spouses for Chinese men who have a primary wife into

I need a link related to entering concubines as spouses for Chinese men who have a primary wife into Family Tree.
I need an article that covers this.
Searching the Help Center for keyword 'concubine' returns 0 results:
There are no such articles to refer to you.
Not knowing Chinese culture - I can only list the types of couple relationship event options that might apply - you have to decide which to use as best fitting:
Lived Together
Here is a Help Center article about entering such Couple Relationship Events:
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@Smyth MJ I am not connected with FamilySearch
Perhaps the relationship could be considered some what along the lines of slave relationship
There is a Knowledge Article "How do I record enslaved persons in Family Tree?" Article Id: 19033
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Thank you