Creating ID for Non-Relative
Is it possible for me to upload information for a person I cannot find on FamilySearch who I am NOT related to? I have a box of photos and documents for a family from an old attic and can find no relative of theirs to take them. I cannot find them with an ID number on FamilySearch to add info; nor do I know how to create one. Is this possible? I feel they really want their work done, but I can't do it as a non-relative and don't what to do.
Best Answers
@danithorne, yes you can enter individuals into FS Family Tree that you are not related to. Please try and connect parents/grandparents back as far as your research will allow so they can be found by their own relatives.
While in Family Tree click on the “Recents” tab. At the bottom of the pop up click “+Add Unconnected Person” Anyone with a FS account will be able to see that person’s profile if the person is deceased, if living only you will be able to see the profile.
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Yes, I have done that a fair amount. But I urge you to search vigilantly in the tree for them, and then search for them in records. Most of the time when I have created new person records based on information I have, they have been present in census records and other sources, such as newspaper articles. It was very nice when I got my first message from a descendant of one person I created. She said my evidence helped her to bust through a brick wall. In fact I have received messages from 4 people thanking me for enlightening them about their ancestors who knew my ancestors but are not related to me. You will find it very rewarding when you get this kind of feedback.
So, to create a new person, take these steps: click the Family Tree menu option, then note the little horizontal list of options that appear. Recents will be an option and click it. At the bottom of the drop down list that pops up "Add unconnected person" will be at the bottom. Click it, fill in the info and follow the prompts. After you create your person, search for them again, just in case.
Thank you both! I was able to start a pedigree for them and get back at least another generation. It's a relief to have that done!
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@danithorne, others can look at it a little and maybe help you connect further back if you post the PID. There are several genealogical avenues that might be pursued depending on the specific circumstances. Also you may want to click the "Following" tab to keep current with possible changes to that family? Gail and I (and I'm sure others) have had positive experiences with similar tasks so I encourage you to press on a little more.