Alessandria>Piedmont>Italy 1815-1860?
Hello - wondering if/how birth/marriage/death records are available for the Alessandria area of Piedmont region in ITaly for the spa of 1815-1850?
I've been up/down and sideways trying to find.. and just now I see this page:
shows the very file I think I need... but they're all "locked".
Do I need to go to a center to see these? Is there another way?
Thanks in advance... I'm at a dead end with my trace without them.
The trace, by the way, is looking for birth record of Pio Patria of Frugarolo, married in 1860, should be born around 1860, but haven't found.. I am guessing I need the books/film from Chiesa San Felice), and preferably back through his father, Felice Patria. There's jsut this swath of nothingness between 1814 or so and 1860 for them
Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you click on those camera/key icons, you will see this message that shows where the images can be viewed:
Many public library systems are now Affiliate Libraries where the images can be viewed.