What is the best way to add and/ or update death records?
I have recently lost 2 siblings. I have updated their deaths in their profiles based on the phone calls received, but I feel like the source needs a death certificate. Should I obtain one and scan it in or will there eventually be one generated that I can link?
Also, my grandfather who passed away in 1955 doesn't have a death certificate associated with his record. After so much time, shouldn't there be a source that I can search and then link it? How would I do that? Should I obtain one of those too and just upload it?
Condolences on your siblings. For recent deaths like them, a reason statement along the lines of "phone conversation on [date] with [relationship]" is sufficient, in my opinion; there are privacy considerations for anything more detailed (such as a death certificate, which could reveal the name and address of a surviving spouse, for example).
For a 1955 death, the availability of "official" documentation depends almost entirely on the locality. Sometimes, different counties of the same state have different rules or services. In some jurisdictions, 1955 may still be too recent for records to be public. (It's easier to enforce a blanket 100-year cutoff than any rule specific to the type of record.) So while it's probably worth it to check whether anything is available, the answer may be "no".
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Condolences on your recent loss.
Depending on location, you may be able to find a newspaper notice of the 1955 death if the state/country restricts official records.
If you want to share the details of your grandfather, someone may be able to give more specific advice about record availability. For example, some states have indexes online but the full record can only be viewed at a Family History Center or Affiliate Library.