Do I need to redo this file?
I'm reviewing a batch of Declaration of Intention for Citizenship from Pennsylvania. Batch
The indexer transposed the pages, so the right page was indexed before the left. I know i have to do the left side of the 4th image which was omitted, but even then do I need to redo the one from the right side that should be done afterward as pages are normally read. Maybe it's not an issue since it's two different people, but I want to be sure.
Thank you, Alyson
No, you don't need to redo the order.
Notes for Image 1 (didn't look at others): The birthplace is not spelled out on the first entry. General project note on the sex/gender field, if the person indicates they are NOT married the field should be <BLANK>, but if they have a spouse (usually a wife), gender should be entered. For the first image (both entries) are incorrect.