Source linker screen shows an incorrect birth place

The source linker screen shows an incorrect birth place. As can be seen in the screenshot, the birth place for Christina Pettersdotter that shows on the source linker is not the same as the birth place that shows on the person page for Christina Pettersdotter.
First thing on her profile is to check to see if the Display place is different from the Standardized place. Likely one place name is being pulled from the Display field and the other Place name is being pulled from the Standardized field.
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The Standardized place is yet a different place also. See additional screenshot attached.
So, no, that's not it.
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Looks to me like the Card pulls from the Display and the other place is pulled from the Standardized place.
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@Kelly Carter, I think you were mistakenly looking at Christina's sister's profile when you checked the standardized place and saw "Färnäs". The discrepancy you saw in Source Linker is, in fact, due to a difference between the display place and the standardized place; as Chas Howell's screenshot shows, Christina's birthplace is typed as Tegane, Ärtemark, Älvsborgs Iän, but associated with Tegane, Västra Götaland. (Whether this is wrong or just a different jurisdiction for the same place, I don't know.) Those are exactly what's showing on the profile versus Source Linker.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi, @Chas Howell But Västra Götaland county is only one of two standardized places for the parish Ärtemark. The system is switching the standardized place from Älvsborgs county to Västra Götaland county even though the birth place for the person is Älvsborgs county. That is not correct and it shouldn't do that.
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It's not "the system" switching anything. The county for the standardized place was chosen (or at least approved, even if unintentionally) by the user who entered the birthplace.
That said, the Places database puts the map pin in exactly the same place for all three of its Tegane entries:
Tegane, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Tegane, Ärtemark, Västra Götaland, Sweden
Tegane, Ärtemark, Älvsborg, Sweden
(The pin location is about a mile from the center of Tegane.) All three are classified as a "populated place", with dates of "unknown - today". I know nothing about Swedish administrative divisions and their history, so I don't know which (if any!) of those are correct for Christina's birth, but the good news is, it's mostly just quibbling: the location will be mapped the same, regardless of the specific choice of labeling.
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Thanks for your response. The challenging thing is that when a source is being attached I always look to compare the location of the source with the location on the person. In this case, the source was a birth/christening record. So when I saw that the location on the birth record was different from the birth place shown on the source linking screen, it required additional time because I knew that the location shown on the source linking screen (Västra Götaland county) was NOT the place where the person was born (Älvsborgs county).
It's little things like this that slow down the work.
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Sometimes slow is good if it makes us take a second, or even fifth, look at the data in both the source and on the person to compare, analyze, confirm, and make sure we really understand what the data is saying and whether it fits the person or not. Accuracy is better than speed.
This is particularly important now that so many sources have incorrect post-processing of the original event place name so that the event place shown in the source is incorrect and is not what is actually in the record. It is more important now than it ever has been to never trust the hint which has only the indexed information and always check the actual source record.
In this case, the discrepancy led you to a standardization problem on Christina that needs to be corrected. That was good. I just took a look at her record and see that you still need to correct the error that Chas pointed out.