How do I......?
I have names and sources added to my tree that do not belong there. Can I remove them from my tree? For example I have a child born 1806, William Bentley and died as a infant in 1807, with sources for both events. Some one has added a spouse, with no marriage date along with two children which cannot be correct and I want to set my tree in order. They have submitted this record to do temple work for these individuals. Now there may have been another child named William born to this family but he would needs be born later and I have not been able to find any record of such an event as yet.
I have several additions that have been entered onto my tree that do not belong and I am wondering how to sort them out.
Pamela Sanders
Best Answer
Since Family Tree is a single, wiki-style tree, you don't really remove them from "your tree" but rather disconnect incorrect relationships between people in The tree.
First, however, it can be very important to determine how and why those spouse and children were added to begin with since the most common reason for such errors are incorrect merges. So to start, take a look at William's Change Log. Open the Filter side panel on the right by clicking on the Filter button. Scroll down until you see Merges. Click on that and see if there have been any merges of William born 1806 with another William that was married and had two children. If that is the case, the click on the deleted William and restore him. After that, go back to William born 1806 and disconnect the various incorrect relationships using the pencil icons in the Family Members section. That way you are not wrecking someone else's work of entering that other William with his wife and children.
This is easier to explain with pictures. If you would like to post the ID number for William, it would be possible to show you step by step what to do if there has been a merge or what to do if there has not been a merge.