Môžem získať obrázok inak, ako cez centrum Family Search?
Best Answer
Translation via Google Translate:
"Can I get a picture other than through the FamilySearch Center? This is a picture of Jacobum Smelko, born 21.7.1709, Poland. Thank you"
Not sure, but perhaps the question is, "Is it possible to access the image of this source without having to travel to a FamilySearch Center?"
Pekný deň, áno, moja otázka mala znieť: Je možné získať prístup k obrázku tohto zdroja bez toho, aby som musel cestovať do centra FamilySearch? Ďakujem
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Translation from Slovak to English: (via Google translate)
Good afternoon, yes, my question was meant to be: Is it possible to access the image of this resource without having to travel to the FamilySearch center? thank you
@MilanSmelko I think the best option would be to have someone at a FamilySearch center look it up for you. Searching "lookup" in the Help Center gives me a few articles to read.
Can I request photocopies of records?
New Library Lookup Service—For When You Can’t Visit the Family History Library
You may also want to ask in the group https://community.familysearch.org/en/group/157-poland-genealogy-research
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Answered from Maile via Google translate:
@MilanSmelko Myslím, že najlepšou možnosťou by bolo nechať niekoho v centre FamilySearch, aby vám to vyhľadal. Vyhľadaním výrazu „vyhľadať“ v Centre pomoci sa mi zobrazí niekoľko článkov na prečítanie.
Môžem požiadať o fotokópie záznamov?
Nová vyhľadávacia služba v knižnici – keď nemôžete navštíviť knižnicu rodinnej histórie
Môžete sa tiež opýtať v skupine https://community.familysearch.org/en/group/157-poland-genealogy-research