Why are some of the documents not having table entry..
Opinion: I believe when the Project is created the Project Administrators choose what format of entry is available (form, table, etc). That it is not available in some means the Project Administrators did not include it to be an available selection. The type of format chosen or available should have no effect on the quality of data entered (there are the same fields no matter the format chosen) - however the ease of viewing and entry may be somewhat affected.
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It can also be project dependent. When there are various choices of records, such as Births/Marriages/Deaths in the same batches, they can't have Table Entry or Column Entry.
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I was just observing some problems I am having as a reviewer. The comments from those answering should be as kind as those expected by those who ask. My observance as I review is that there are many more mistakes, like skipping names. It is easier to see when a line is competed with the table entry showing the name preceding and you can catch an error immediately. I know the instructions as to check your document before turning it in, it just isn't happening. I can spend hours correcting a document that is large, and I hate to turn it back some because work has been done. I love indexing and reviewing, I feel every person needs their information entered on a document, I also feel it can we a waste of time if we have to do it over and over again. I teach my Stake, young and old about how important it is to do it right and feel the Spirit in the work. Maybe having a choice on which way to do it could be the answer. Thank you for all you do in this important work. it truly is a sacred work.
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I am unclear on why you don't think the answers you received were "kind". But, I will expand on mine just in case I wasn't clear. The problem is that when you are doing records from a project like Ireland Church Records, there are a variety of entry forms to use. You could have a batch of births followed by a batch of deaths, or even a mixture within the same image. Because of that they can't develop the program to use anything but the form entry since the fields (columns) will be different for each type of record. For example, a birth will have one given name and surname, a birthdate, and parents' names, but, a marriage will have a bride, a groom, 4 parents and a date. A death would have one name, a date of birth, date of death, 2 parents, and spouse. Thus, there cannot be tables/columns in projects with mixed types of records.
Using the add records tools makes it very easy to add in a missed entry when a name has been skipped. Returning batches for reindexing should be a rare event.
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Melissa your answers were not a problem. I just wanted to let someone know the problem that seems to be growing as reviewers. We will just keep doing our best to help the people as they choose to index.