Hello again Community,
I posted the below yesterday, the 29th, but it was not found in the discussion queue today, the 30th. I asked if others had a similar issue & Áine Ní Donnghaile suggested that I put spacing in words that "might be even remotely offensive." That's what I've done.
"Hello Community,
I have been having a pro blem with another user. I've contacted her & asked her to stop her dis respect ful behavior, but she continues. She has repeatedly delet ed pertinent notes that I've left in various profiles & she has delet ed a relationship even though the sources that prove the relationship are in the profiles. The last time she did this, in early November, I told her "I'll be contacting Family Search to com plain about your ab u sive & dis respect ful behavior."
Well, today she again delet ed the notes & wrote an email to me which stated:
"I would be very care ful before you thre aten people."
I have now "mu ted" this person.
This is not an issue of a new person who is unfamiliar with how to use the Family Tree. I've seen her name attached to edits from about 10 years past.
The profile with the notes in question is Mary Unknown Jenney Sherman (LH3Y-K1D) & the relationship she deleted twice is Mary's 2nd husband, Nathaniel Sherman (LT6T-PXG).
Please help, as I do not like dra ma. Thank you,
It might be a nice solution (FamilySearch development) for notes written by a particular user to only be appended by others - not deleted? But this might be the purpose of Discussions ... I don't know off-hand ... Something to test when off work. Oh well, break's over ... Back to work ...
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@StevenMartin61 Your original comment has been found. The system tagged it as spam, but I have no idea why. I can ok it, but that would make this a duplicate. Would you like to keep this version or the original?
Maile 🙂
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@MaileLoveland It would be great if someone would ask the refuse-bot to let us know what words are forbidden. I learned - the hard way - that a mention of r a p e is not permitted, even when asking how to have the incorrect accusation removed from the tree. And another poster mentioned that she was unable to post about s l a v e r y, even when discussing that relationship option on the new person page. I think another poster mentioned having a post "disappeared" for the mention of s e x as it refers to the gender of a profile in the tree.
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Result of testing whether Collaborate> Discussions can be deleted by non-author: no they cannot. So if someone keeps deleting your Note - as long as you keep the text in a local file - you can add a Discussion that cannot be deleted.
This should mean a reasonable discussion could ensue rather than unreasonable deletion.
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Hello Maile @MaileLoveland,
Thank you for the update. No, a duplicate isn't necessary.
Thank you to the others for their input on the "forbidden words" & on discussions being deleted or modified.
Perhaps a new thread could be created to cover just that issue, as it seems important. My concern with this thread, is getting help with this other user. Any thoughts?