Robert Moore
I have 2 accounts; 1 public and 1 private.
I was baptized a couple of years ago and the 2nd account has my membership records which is private. because of the first account i can't remember the user name and password of the public one.
the one that has my membership number has my ancestors but will not show what work ( ie: work for the dead) is needed or if it was done because I already have the previous account.
When i try to ask for the user name and password of the old account it keeps bringing up the new one.
my question is how do i delete the old one so i can just have the new one that is private so I can do the work?
What do you mean by "public" and "private"?
FamilySearch has two kinds of user accounts: what we generally call "public", for non-LDS like me, and LDS accounts. The latter are apparently partially pre-filled based on membership records, and show all of the LDS stuff. Public accounts like mine do not show any of that, and do not have the "help others" function, and a few other differences.
Both types of account have a "private space" in Family Tree where all of the profiles go that you've entered for living people, including yourself. These can only be seen if you're signed in with the account that created them, but they can be connected with relationships to the public Tree, containing the profiles of deceased people. However, again, only the account that created the living profile can see its relationships. If another user/account looks at the deceased parent (say), then the child will not be listed.
It sounds like maybe you did a bunch of editing of living people in a public (non-LDS) account, but now you're signed in with your LDS account and therefore cannot see those profiles? Or is it the other way around? In either case, I strongly suggest not entering any details about living people on FS (or anywhere else online). This is both a privacy protection and a practical suggestion: nobody besides you will ever see those profiles, or be able to do anything whatsoever with them, so the only purpose they serve is to connect you to your deceased relatives in the main, public Tree. You can achieve that connection with nothing but nicknames or relationship-names (such as "Mom-Mom"), and that should be the extent of the effort you put into those profiles.
For username and password questions, you can try (re-)posting your question in the FamilySearch Account category (in the Categories box in the right-hand column), but they'll probably (or hopefully) just tell you how to get in touch directly with FS staff.