Micronesia reference images unavailable + images need FS quality help

FS Engineers:
Micronesia—Registros vitales, 1890–1986 [Parte C]
Reference images have been unavailable for at least 3 days now. I have 4 batches I can't complete because I need data from those images.
Also, most of the images are so faint that most indexers are marking the batches as NED. However, the degree of image adjustment available in your simple brightness/contrast tool is not sufficient to pull most of the data on the images out. Can you pull the project and run the images through some pre-processing so that we can see the writing better?
The problem is endemic. I had two batches of the México, Puebla—Registros de la Iglesia Católica, 1567—1969 project that I couldn't submit yesterday because the reference images were unavailable. Today, they were so I could finish & submit.
But random weirdness: The reference images for the Micronesia project are still unavailable -- EXCEPT for the +6 image on one batch (which doesn't help me, just weird).