switch spouse positions
A patron came to the center yesterday and wanted to know how to switch her ancestors positions. Her great grandmother was on the 'top position' and her grandfather on the 'bottom position' on the pedigree chart. we did find the article #1149 telling us how to switch them, but under the tools it doesn't list Switch Spouse Positions in either the new pages or the old version. All it lists is see changes and delete relationship. I didn't write down her numbers but she will be in again next week. Can you help me out here? Thanks
Best Answers
Looks like there was bug that got fixed.
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Yes, this used to happen fairly frequently, but my only personal experience of the problem came earlier this week. Hopefully, as suggested, a bug that quickly got fixed.
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thank you, we will check it out when she comes in again next week
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@JamesHenrie, are these the instructions you read? They say:
"In male-female relationships, you can only adjust this arrangement if the male name appears below the female name. You can only switch one way."
In other words, if the system thinks that everything is normal, then it doesn't give that option. Obviously things aren't normal, so there's a bug somewhere, but having never experienced it (knock on wood), I can't think of what else to try, beyond the usual browser-housekeeping steps. (Or give some PIDs where it's occurring and we'll see if it's just you or a global bug?)
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thank you
This is not fixed! The instructions say to go "Under Tools, click Switch Spouse Positions" but there is no Switch option under Tools on the website. Several of my wife's main line ancestors are inconsistently switched in the landscape main tree view. There is no way to fix it, because the switch option is missing. Can the Switch option be added back under Tools?
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@JamesHenrie Please provide me with some examples so I can further troubleshoot the issue. This feature is very data specific and I don't know of anything broken at this time.