Indexing: A tool to straighten/adjust the page
When indexing, it would be nice to have a little handle or tool where you could straighten the page you are working on (maybe it's there somewhere and I don't know it). I use the top of the white frame on the page to follow information lines. When it's crooked, it's much more difficult to follow the correct information line, especially when you are doing line after line after line.
In the image below, the "straight" line (in relation to the top of the frame) is the yellow line. Following a straight line from the name leads me to the wrong date and book/page number. The correct information for this entry is underlined in red, but you have to really look because the page is not straight.
This particular image isn't that bad, just what I'm working on at the moment, but I've worked on many other pages where it was skewed enough that it made it quite difficult to index/review correctly.
I think having this option, when needed, would increase accuracy for both indexers and reviewers.