Birth location in Fan chart View
Also I apreciate all the great work you've done to help me and others learn about where family is from. Thank you.
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Where are you seeing information about living/deceased? The Fan Chart' options for coloring are Family Lines, Birthplace, (number of) Sources, (number of) Stories, (number of) Photos, and Research Helps. Select Birthplace to color the chart according to the country (topmost jurisdiction) of each ancestor's birthplace.
(I don't use that option myself because it would make for a rather monochrome chart: only I'd be a different color than everyone else.)
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How do I view these options in the fan chart? Only options I have in the dropdown box are: Landscape, Portrait, Fan Chart, Descendancy, First Ancestor.
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@1981FamilyTree The options are to the right of the dropdown you were using. It's the square button with the picture of sliders on it.
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Julia, mine has some variety, but not much.😉
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Yours is downright colorful. 😆
@1981FamilyTree, you can see the button that Brayden's talking about in my screenshot from last November, upthread. I liken it to a pair of tiny fish swimming in opposite directions, or a pair of mismatched eyes.